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Masta P Zabrodzki - (Piotr Zabrodzki) - Singer, multi-instrumentalist and producer. One of the key figures of the Warsaw independent scene and perhaps its most versatile member.
Born in 1982 in Warsaw, Piotr Zabrodzki graduated from the Frederic Chopin State Music School. He studied there as a pianist, though today he is proficient in a wide range of instruments. There was even an urban legend spread through independent music circles that the musician was thrown out of the Dadaistic band Kwadratowi, since the band's artistic vision was to have its members play instruments they couldn't handle. Supposedly, Zabrodzki didn't fit in because he was too good at anyone he chose. The artist, however, dismisses this rumour: 'As a saxophonist, I fit in perfectly'.
If there were a festival dedicated to Zabrodzki's work, it would have to last at least a week, and it would attract audiences who would otherwise never meet at a concert. Although many associate him with bands related to the independent label Lado ABC, the artist also has substantial accomplishments in the reggae and dancehall scene. As Mista Pita, he co-founded the group Cinq G, with whom he released four albums.
At the same time that he was working on albums that explored reggae and R&B, Zabrodzki was involved in groups specialising in jazz, noise and avant-garde. In 2006, with his band Blast Muzungu, he recorded the album Gaijin Gabba, a mixture of grindcore and free jazz in the style of Naked City. Next year he released the album Karakany, recorded as a duet with avant-garde Japanese drummer Tatsuya Yoshida. He played piano and bass guitar on the album.

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